1st XV Stags
Sat 17 Dec 2011  ·  National League 3 London & SE
CS STAGS 1863 - 160th 2023/2024
1st XV Stags
Tries: S Hadden (2), R YiendConversions: S Hadden (4)Penalties: S Hadden
CS RUGBY 1863 41v STAINES 26

CS RUGBY 1863 41v STAINES 26

Paul Tiller13 Jan 2012 - 17:25
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Panto, then Party time for the Stags. Nick Alway reports.

"It's behind you!" It was panto season for CS as they very nearly lost the plot last Saturday after leading 29-0 at half time against local rivals Staines. On the first anniversary of " Goose(sh*t)gate" the Stags were looking for their fourth consecutive league victory over their only other Middlesex based National League 3 opposition. After clocking up a total of thirty pantomime villain minutes in the second forty the curtain finally came down on a not quite so emphatic 41 - 26 victory and our visitors had even registered what earlier would have certainly appeared to be a highly improbable four try bonus point in the process ." 'Tis the season to be jolly " and generous after all !

The home side started in lively fashion on another bright but cold December Saturday. Fly half Scott Hadden knocked over a penalty after just six minutes and four minutes later second row Arno Van der Spek was the beneficiary of a well organised lineout drive. Then after 28 minutes a series of rucks eventually provided quick ball for Hadden who skipped between the defenders to score. Six minutes later the same player was able to get his finger tips to and intercept a hopelessly optimistic Staines pass, cling on and run in forty metres to score. And still the first half avalanche of CS scoring was not done as, just before half time, scrum half Ben Bolton-Smith put through a well judged grubber kick for wing Ross Yiend to chase, gather and score. 29-0 therefore and the Stags were no doubt looking forward to their Christmas party at The Captain Cook in Putney: "See the blazing Yule before us, strike the harp and join the chorus!" the crowd and possibly the CS players were thinking.

But just as Staines decided to wake up recollection starts to get a bit hazy so far as your scribe is concerned - thanks to the good company of ex-players, an excellent Christmas lunch and several bottles of claret. And the storyline was indeed starting to ape pantomime!

Before Cinderella could go to the ball, not one, not two but three ugly sisters all had their parts to play. Prop, Jamie Evans was first to go for a punch, then Cameron Reed went next for allegedly coming through a ruck illegally and - finally and rather later - Sergeant O' Leary got his temporary marching orders for not rolling away at a ruck. " Follow me in merry measure, while I tell of Yule tide treasure," the three of them could perhaps be heard trilling or, then again, maybe not! Meanwhile the scoring sequence had progressed : Staines opened their account not long after halftime with a converted try from hooker, Matt Thoms but this seemed like a mere blip at the time as - prior to his own binning Cameron had gone over - even though the home pack only numbered seven at the time - following a series of rucks, quickly recycled ball and a final forward drive. Not long after that he took his temporarary breather and with the CS pack now briefly down to just six this was the cue for Staines at last to show their mettle.

Between the 61st and 75th minutes they scored three tries , two by giant lock Junior Harrison , a refugee from Jack and the Beanstalk perhaps who was having a barnstorming game at this point , and hooker Matt Thomas again, closing to 26-34 in the process and - had the last of these been converted by Chris Wells as the other three had been, albeit that this one was from wide out - who knows whether this Christmas panto might have had an even stranger final twist . As it was, it was CS who added a final layer of icing to their cake : another series of rucks and quickly recycled ball saw the forwards drive Arno Van der Spek over for his second to close at 41-26. " Sing we joyous all together, heedless of the wind and weather" as that curtain went down then!

As prop Craig Bellringer commented, " A bloxdy good first half when we were in full control and a pxss poor second! They fought back well but we were never going to lose it!" And coach Stefan Smith expressed much the same sentiments : " We produced an excellent first half of controlled powerful rugby and by half time we had a substantial lead. Staines to their credit came back into the match and played very well to push us all the way to the end. We deserved the result and it sets us up nicely for the start of the second round. Now we can all chillax for the next two weeks and enjoy some much needed R&R away from the pitch."

And Yuletide greetings from me too :" Fast away the old year passes, Fa la la la la, la la la la. Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, Fa la la la la, la la la la! !" Looking forward to it!

With both apologies and an acknowlegement to "Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

Players of the Day - Scott Hadden and Arno van der Spek;

CS Rugby 1863

Try scorers:

Van der Spek (2)
Hadden (2)

Cons : Hadden (3)

Pen : Hadden


Try scorers:

Thomas (2)
Harrison (2)


Wells (3

Match details

Match date

Sat 17 Dec 2011



Meet time



12.30pm met at the club
2.00pm kick off

ALL the players in full regimental colours.


National League 3 London & SE
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